Divorce Fit: Building Mental Strength through Separation
Divorce isn’t just a legal journey but a pretty hard mental and emotional workout as well. In fact, I would rank a divorce up there with the hardest Soul Cycle class you could ever take. Done twice over! It’s like I tell people, we invest thousands of dollars on gym memberships, diets and coaches for our outside appearance, often neglecting what goes on between our ears. I’m talking about the many cognitive distortions we are all guilty of that are basically the equivalent of muscle - or brain matter- atrophy.
The Divorce “Glow-Up”
Divorce can often conjure up images of sullen, bitter people, forever tarred by their failed marriage. It certainly is not typically considered sexy. But having gone through divorce myself, I’ve never felt healthier, which equals hotter!
Divorce in your 20’s: Five Empowering Lessons from your “Starter Marriage”
I was sitting alone on the bathroom floor when I realized it was over. My ex-husband had abruptly confessed to feelings of doubt and incompatibility throughout a 3-year marriage, cumulative 10-year relationship. I distinctly remember experiencing a sharp flare of shame and guilt as I thought, “You’re getting a divorce at 27? How embarrassing.”