Custom packages designed to meet you where you are at.
“Should I stay or should I Go?”
Contemplating divorce but paralyzed with fear and indecision. You don’t know where to begin
You are confused, your gut senses something is off but you are terrified to face a divorce
You want to exhaust all options before ending your marriage so that you can move on without ever looking back
You owe it to yourself, your spouse and your children to carefully discern the path forward
You have never lived alone and your spouse has all the financial control
“I need support through my divorce”
You need to get educated on family law and understand your options and rights
The divorce process seems overwhelming
You need a nonjudgemental thought partner to bring down the stress and create clarity around decisions
You are trying to use time and resources with divorce attorneys and other professionals wisely so as to minimize cost
Therapy is effective in understanding how you got here, but you need more participatory guidance to get you to where you want to go
“I’m ready to recover and move on”
You need to gain confidence as you redefine yourself, your career and life purpose
You need support in restructuring what was once an intimate partner relationship to a coparenting relationship
You are determined to be the best parent to your children - the parent they deserve
You are ready to take responsibility for your role in the marriage and take the lessons learned into new, healthy relationships
Your ex-spouse is high-conflict, perhaps even narcissistic, you need effective communication tools and coping strategies