The Divorce “Glow-Up”

Divorce Glow-Up

We all know that one scene in the movies: the moment when the ex-girlfriend steps out wearing her hottest dress and heels, makeup and hair done to perfection, and stumbles across her ex in the street. He takes one look at her and immediately realizes what he’s lost (I know we’ve all fantasized about this moment). In the movies, a woman’s glow-up is represented visually through physical change; however, I believe divorce can cause the most radical internal glow-up. 

Divorce can often conjure up images of sullen, bitter people, forever tarred by their failed marriage. It certainly is not typically considered sexy. But having gone through divorce myself, I’ve never felt healthier, which also equates to hotter! And I know what you’re thinking – divorce is exhausting, stressful, and full of grief and sadness. “I feel anything but hot.” But I believe in reclaiming divorce as a tool for personal transformation and growth, leaving you feeling more confident and attractive - a divorce glow-up, if you will.

It's important to remember that divorce does not define your worth; however, the qualities and characteristics you cultivate through this experience make you all the more appealing. Don’t allow divorce to make you shrink with shame, guilt, and grief. You are inherently more attractive and desirable because of the strength and perseverance you’ve shown. The following are a few ways to recognize when you’re in your divorce glow-up. 

Reclaiming Self = Hot

For many, divorce is a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Through life coaching for divorce, you'll better understand your own values, needs, desires, and boundaries. Confident, strong people who know who they are and what they want are hot. 

Feeling the Feels = Irresistible

Divorce forces you to navigate tumultuous, wide-ranging emotions. Acknowledging and allowing space for unpleasant emotions to come and go allows you to feel deeper, more lasting positive emotions. Being unafraid to feel your feelings is a sign of emotional intelligence, which is incredibly irresistible.

Embracing Change = Sexy

Having gone through divorce, you are open to embracing change and the unknown, even when it’s terrifying. A divorce coach can help you navigate the uncertainties that come with change and emerge as a more confident and adaptable individual. Being open to new experiences and life’s twists and turns makes you exciting and sexy! 

Reigniting Passion = Muy Caliente 

Divorce often ignites a renewed sense of purpose and passion for life. The relief of exiting a stressful and taxing marriage can breathe new life into you. It can inspire individuals to explore their interests, pursue long-forgotten dreams, be excited to fall in love again… People who are passionate about life and second chances are undeniably muy caliente.  

What’s important to remember is a divorce glow-up is only possible after allowing time to process your emotions and grieve the loss of a relationship, even if it was for the best. A coach or therapist can help you navigate the emotional journey and emerge stronger, more confident, and even more attractive than before.

Maria Pairitz

Maria Pairitz is a creative and freelance digital marketer from Indianapolis, IN. Connect with her about innovative content creation, young divorce, and good reads on LinkedIn

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