Divorce support and guidance


Custom packages designed to meet you where you are at.


“Should I stay or should I Go?

  • Contemplating divorce but paralyzed with fear and indecision. You don’t know where to begin

  • You are confused, your gut senses something is off but you are terrified to face a divorce

  • You want to exhaust all options before ending your marriage so that you can move on without ever looking back

  • You owe it to yourself, your spouse and your children to carefully discern the path forward

  • You have never lived alone and your spouse has all the financial control


“I need support through my divorce”

  • You need to get educated on family law and understand your options and rights

  • The divorce process seems overwhelming

  • You need a nonjudgemental thought partner to bring down the stress and create clarity around decisions

  • You are trying to use time and resources with divorce attorneys and other professionals wisely so as to minimize cost

  • Therapy is effective in understanding how you got here, but you need more participatory guidance to get you to where you want to go


“I’m ready to recover and move on”

  • You need to gain confidence as you redefine yourself, your career and life purpose

  • You need support in restructuring what was once an intimate partner relationship to a coparenting relationship

  • You are determined to be the best parent to your children - the parent they deserve

  • You are ready to take responsibility for your role in the marriage and take the lessons learned into new, healthy relationships

  • Your ex-spouse is high-conflict, perhaps even narcissistic, you need effective communication tools and coping strategies


  • Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions

  • Unlimited email access between sessions

  • Action steps, exercises and curated resources to keep you on track between sessions

  • Review and optimize communication between your ex, soon-to-be-ex and/or co-parent

  • Referral source for lawyers, mediators, financial advisors, therapists, real estate agents (Chicagoland clients)

  • Assistance in screening and finding the right team (distance clients)

Click below for a complimentary consultation.

kind words

  • Carrie C.

    Melissa’s approach was so helpful for me. She allowed a teeny bit of complaining, and was compassionate but also firm. She really cut through the fog to help me see the reality of my failed marriage and get over my insane longing for something that didn’t ever even exist…Melissa was crucial in regaining myself and looking toward a rich future instead of an empty past.

  • Chelsea C.

    As I was dealing with the emotional trauma of divorce, my spouse seemed to be one step ahead in the process and I felt like I was struggling to keep up and make sure I was looking out for my best interests while simultaneously processing my feelings. Melissa took great care in helping me see how much I was beating myself up and getting in my own way towards healing and reaching for my post-divorce goals. She not only coached me through the divorce process itself, but she ended up proving to me that I've had the strength all along to reach for possibilities that I thought would be way too hard to achieve in my emotional state. After my sessions with Melissa, I am more able to move forward with this divorce and see it as a gift. I am more confident that I am moving forward into the greatest possible version of myself and I could not have done it without her support.

  • Paula M.

    I am currently going through a high conflict divorce. I have two young children. My divorce has been abundantly difficult, but after working with Melissa I know that in time all will work out and be even better than before. I received Melissa's name from a very good friend of mine and she has been an essential part of my rebuilding and recovery process. Having gone through a difficult divorce herself, she is able to speak from a place of truth, knowledge, and experience. It feels amazing to be heard and validated, especially in a time of utmost uncertainty. Melissa listens, she is resourceful, insightful and above all accessible both personally and professionally. I am so grateful that I have her in my corner to help lend perspective and put all the pieces back together again.

  • Kim K.

    My friend knew I wanted to get a divorce and suggested a divorce coach. Utilizing Melissa’s services was a lifesaver as she guided me through fears of the unknown during this process. She helped me control my stress levels and suggested various methods to reduce the physical and mental toll stress places on your body and mind. Knowing that you have an expert in your corner reduces your anxiety and frustrations. When you hire Melissa, you also have a wonderful network of attorneys as well as other professional services. My teen girls are currently seeing a referral of Melissa’s. If you need a true listener and critical thinker, I highly recommend Melissa!!

  • F. J.

    It’s such a blessing to have found Melissa during such a tumultuous time in my life: baby during a pandemic and imaginable stressors in my marriage. I came to Melissa with so much anger and so ready to call it quits with my husband. Our weekly sessions have helped me build better clarity and understanding of different “formulas” to work things through in a more constructive way.

    This is still an ongoing process but I can say that my work with Melissa has allowed me to build back “hope.” Hope that there is a better way forward regardless of my decision. With Melissa’s guidance, I am doing the work needed to build a better story. Also having someone neutral and a subject matter expert on your team truly helps you not act in your own detriment. Thank you Melissa.

  • Sariah M.

    Going through a divorce is such an emotionally turbulent experience that having someone there to help you navigate through it is extremely helpful. Melissa has been such a blessing to me through my own divorce. Countless times I’ve struggled with the divorce process and Melissa has been there to help me identify healthy strategies to cope with the whole experience. A few times I have been struggling emotionally and she has been there, even to have a quick call, to help me through it. Melissa is very personable and relatable which has made working with her a delight. I would highly recommend anyone struggling through their divorce to reach out to Melissa to help guide you through your own experience.

  • Ellen S.

    You won’t regret it! It really is invaluable to have someone walk next to you that has been there before. Divorce and co-parenting are whole different worlds and it is great to get guidance from someone living the same reality as you. The questions and situations that come up during divorce are unique to someone that has been through it before. You aren’t going to get the same support from friends and family.

  • Rebecca W.

    After my divorce, there was a lot of instability in my life. While I thought my family would be my support system, they ended up supporting my ex. They were not available, nor were they willing to help me through one of the most difficult times of my life. Although I have grieved the divorce, I'm still trying to work through being neglected by those that were closest to me. During my sessions with Melissa, I have learned to create boundaries to protect myself from those that were not supportive; and journaling exercises to reflect on trigger points and how to appropriately react. Coaching with Melissa really gave me the strategies to cope, grow and move forward through the most difficult period of my life. Thanks, Melissa!

  • Michelle G.

    I am grateful to have found Melissa so early in the divorce process, so that she can help me develop healthy mind and body habits before I turn to damaging habits if left on my own. Through our weekly zoom sessions, Melissa helps me redirect my negative thoughts into more productive ones. I leave each session feeling "lighter" and with action steps to tackle the biggest challenges of the week ahead. I was able to cut back on expensive professionals, as I am making the most progress with Melissa. Essentially, she is my anchor as I work to redefine myself in this new life and to see the endless potential that exists for me.

  • Andy K.

    I am very pleased with the services provided by Melissa Kalil Coaching. Melissa asks very thought provoking questions to help me and also provides tools and practice exercises to help me navigate through everyday life scenarios. I would recommend Melissa to anyone!